The Editor's Desk

Simple Life

My great uncle Clint Whetter farmed a mile up the back road from our farm in southwest Manitoba. He was the youngest of four sons, a U of M Aggie and World War II veteran. He was on a bomber crew that flew 58 operations over Germany. Having to protect his stuff from three older...
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Manitoba Bulletin

Over 65,000 vegetable bundles and recipe books have been distributed in Manitoba to school-aged children and families through a partnership with Peak of the Market, Manitoba Home Economists Association, Manitoba Government and the Manitoba Canola Growers Canola Eat Well consumer outreach. Farm to School is a non-profit fundraiser that encourages healthy eating and earning money...
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Fertility Management

Deep-banding fertilizer may have logistical benefits

Science Edition: Fertility Management
Key result: Overall, crop response was generally not linked to deep or shallow placement of phosphorus or potassium. Deep banding (5-6”) these nutrients at higher rates once every three years is an option if logistics make it a challenge to apply these products in a shallow band at the time of seeding. Long-term direct seeding...
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