Alberta Bulletin

Keep up to date. Receive the latest news, media releases and daily grain prices when you subscribe to the Alberta Canola Connections Newsletter. Visit­subscribe today. Join your local Alberta Canola Director for day of canola agronomy, marketing  and farm management information. Each event will also feature a discussion on clubroot as well as an...
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Your Provincial Research Leads

As Alberta Canola’s first research director, I have enjoyed the opportunity to do a deep dive into all aspects of our research programs and partnerships driven by grower funding. Beginning with our Grower Engagement Meetings in the fall of 2021, I’ve been helping growers understand the partnerships and funding that drives Alberta Canola’s research program....
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Study compares plant and seed dry down for pre-harvest options

Science Edition: Harvest Management
KEY RESULT: This three-year study frequently showed benefits to using pre-harvest herbicide and desiccant options as tools to improve straight combining results. However, results show that going without a pre-harvest herbicide or desiccant is a potentially viable option, especially for early seeded, reasonably uniform and weed-free fields where a hybrid with good pod shatter tolerance...
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The Editor's Desk

Consumers R Us

I made vegan burgers for the first time ever. I’m not vegan, I’m not vegetarian, but these vegan burgers were right up my alley. They had wheat, oats, lentils and mushrooms – all of which were sourced from Western Canadian farms – and I wanted to try something different. I eat a diverse diet that...
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