
Protein opportunities could improve canola sustainability

Key result: Expanding market opportunities for the protein within canola meal could improve the overall value of canola. Based on the findings in this study, canola protein isolate shows promise as a potential material for the development of edible films for food packaging. Project title, Principal investigator: “Development of Formulated Canola Protein-based Ingredients for the...
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Reduce losses while combining

Key practice: Ground speed and mechanical adjustments to the combine can reduce harvest losses and increase yields. For growers who want to try straight combining, start with one field with uniform maturity and high yield potential. Key research: Gulden, R.H., University of Manitoba, et al. “Evaluation of Harvest Losses and Their Causes in Canola Across...
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I dream of being able to grow it in 15 years

By Ward Toma “I dream of being able to grow it in 15 years.” A wishful statement, not expressed by a wide-eyed farmer seeing a new crop with incredible potential, but instead by a farmer that has serious doubts about his ability to continue to grow this incredible crop. Hubertus Paetow, president of the German...
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Agronomy Insights

A Better Flea Beetle Management Plan

Agronomy Insights - Tips and tools from the Canola Council of Canada agronomy team

Flea beetles are one of the most prominent pests for canola, and were particularly harmful this year with the warm and dry spring, which disadvantaged the crop and encouraged flea beetle development. This article looks back at 2021 and provides some management tips for 2022.

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