The Editor's Desk

All Hands

I have a guilty pleasure: House Hunters International. It’s a TV show about people moving from Saskatoon or Salt Lake City to Santiago or Seville. Viewers get to see what the new city looks like and follow the house hunters while a real estate agent shows them a few options. North Americans almost always complain...
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Mapping a route to clubroot resistance

Twelve molecular markers were identified that will be useful in breeding programs including gene pyramiding for durable clubroot resistance.
Key practice: P. brassicae can rapidly adapt to the selection pressure provided by currently available clubroot-resistant canola varieties. For durable clubroot resistance, it will be important to stack resistance genes and rotate them in clubroot-infested fields. Project title, Lead researcher: “Studies on the genetic and molecular basis for clubroot resistance in canola,” 2010-15, Stephen Strelkov,...
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PAMI studies fan speed effect on drill function

PAMI compared seed damage and distribution for two common drills running at low, medium and high fan speeds. The study found minimal damage to canola seed, even at high fan speed. The study also found that while distribution of canola seed tended to be lowest at the outer extremes, higher fan speed reduced this variability.

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